Whither Long Covid?

Long covid is only a problem for a small percentage of the population, and results from the mRNA injections more so than from the virus itself. You may not have heard much or even anything about it. Hence, you might choose to ignore today’s posting. But if it hits you, or someone you know, it can be devastating, with long-term signals for increasing cancer, heart disease, dementia, and more. Today I’m being lazy. I found an incredibly interesting Substack article for which I’m simply going to supply a link: All Along the Watchtower by Frank Marsland FNP-C, which came to me from the eminent Dr. Pierre Kory. He offers an interesting cure for long covid that fits all of my parameters: a natural substance, no adverse effects, and quite inexpensive.

Long covid is a strange issue. And you may not have it, but I’ll bet you’ve bumped into someone who does. I’ve met several. It didn’t hit a large percentage of the population, but for those who got hit with it, it was sometimes debilatating. A secondary issue is that a significant number got it but didn’t know, because their symptoms were not severe, just fatigue, malaise, and sometimes joint pain. Some of those folks may still not realize what they have.

It may not surprise you to find out that many cases of long covid were the result of the jabs, not the virus. But another segment, much smaller but just as badly affected, was the result of a phenomenon called shedding, where someone who had taken the jabs had so much of the spike protein that they were able to pass it along to otherwise healthy people who didn’t take the shots.

So the magic bean in the article is a powder made from the Baobab Tree, an ancient medicine whose original use is lost in history. Enjoy the read.


What the Science Says


DO NOT Take Two Tylenol