Contact your Congressional Representatives

The truth, or at least a significant amount of it, is out. Everything we were told during the pandemic was one lie on top of another. For four years, the world was turned upside down as the result of illegal research that created a bioweapon, and then a completely ineffective and dangerous series of injections were permitted based on fraudulent research. The covid emergency is over, meaning that these “emergency use” shots can no longer be given under the protection provided during the emergency that wasn’t, and yet they are. A recent paper by Stanford epidemiologist John Ioannidis pegged the infection fatality rate (IFR) of covid at less than half that of the annual flu. Still those deadly shots are being illegally dispensed; people are continuing to be disabled and killed by them. These lies cost several trillion dollars and seven million lives, mostly as a result of absurd treatment modalities and the conspiracy to block the drugs (IVM and HCQ) that were known to work against SARS. Perhaps the majority of the deaths were due to the ill-fated shots. There is a movement afoot to let this “slide,” giving amnesty to those who spread the lies, those who denied medical attention to people who exercised their rights to forego the experimental jabs, those who forced the closure of businesses, and the firing of government employees, again, for exercising their rights. The Clinton-speak “it’s time to move on,” is being bandied about. Seriously people? Was Hitler an obvious criminal who might be sympathetic on the witness stand? Goebbels? Mengele? Did we “move on” then?

If you share my fear, anger, and determination that we find our way back to the Old Normal, and eschew the New Normal, here is an idea I encourage you to try. Reproduced below is a letter that I have sent to my elected representatives. I suggest that if enough of our legislature is inundated with letters like this, there may be a change in the legislative winds. This is an election year, so they should be more cognoscente of the need to be responsive to our opinions. We must ensure that no one ever holds this kind of power over free citizens in the future.

Congressman/Senator ________________:

I am writing to you as an elected representative who has shown a desire to solve problems. You have interacted with Dr. Peter McCullough and others who have testified before Congress and who are knowledgeable to speak on the issues surrounding the pandemic and the dangerous shots which were errantly labeled as “vaccines.” You are thus on notice that our national response to covid was an unmitigated disaster, compounded by a mountain of lies and screams of “misinformation,” whenever evidentiary documentation was presented to counter those lies.

Documentation is linked below: From the website of the CDC (which your fellow representatives cannot call “misinformation”) it is apparent that there have been 500,000± excess deaths in the US alone, in each of the three years since these deadly shots were released.

Using CDC data, in the first 20 years of the new millennium approximately 0.8% of US citizens died each year from all causes, roughly 2.8 million. To be clear, that includes the pandemic year of 2020. At the end of 2020, CDC falsified their data, as documented in the first article below, adding a half million deaths from causes other than covid, AFTER all the data was in. These false deaths were added because the year was about to close showing an unbelievable — literally unbelievable — drop in deaths from cancer and heart disease. This was the result of coding any deaths “with” covid, or even suspected as such to be coded as deaths “from” covid. One reason this tact was followed was that hospitals received a financial bonus for covid patients. In the three years since — the years since the covid shots were administered — deaths equate to approximately 0.1%, about 3.3 million, an increase of roughly 500,000 per year. This is an increase of nearly 18%, which should terrify us all.

As I am sure you know, the truth is slowly being allowed to trickle out. It is no longer debatable that SARS and SARS-CoV-2 (which I refer to as SARS 2.0 in order to emphasize the depth of the lie that this was a “novel” virus to which no one had any level of immunity) came from Ralph Baric’s lab at UNCCH. It is unarguably logical to understand that moving that research (which was illegal under international laws and treaties) to Wuhan was done to obfuscate. China does not abide by US FOIA requirements.

Also linked below is The Fauci Dossier, compiled by Dr. David Martin, the world’s foremost authority on intellectual property, showing that not only did the parties involved, Fauci, Baric, Collins, Walensky, Daszak, Gates, et al, know that the “wild virus” cover story was false, they actively participated in the illegal obfuscation of the truth, a felony. Dr. Martin catalogues ample reasons to convict these criminals. NIH was a co patent holder. There need to be legal consequences for the people responsible for 1.5 million US deaths and counting. I won’t belabor the fraudulent research damning IVM and HCQ nor the violations of our first amendment rights. I will let Dr. Martin’s words suffice.

It is also critical to stop this runaway train. mRNA is not a viable vaccination platform. It simply cannot ever work, and will, always, always, always, result in negative outcomes. It is important to clarify this, because vaccine manufacturers are looking to convert every single vaccine to this heinous platform, simply because the deeply flawed theory would cut the absolutely and incontrovertibly essential 15-20 year process of clinical trials to about three months. This is unspeakably reckless.

mRNA cannot generate any level of immunity to any virus. It can only generate an immune response to a single protein, which can easily mutate making the claimed but erroneous benefits moot. What these shots do is to proliferate TRILLIONS of copies of a single protein. In the case of the covid shots, the spike protein was designed to attach to (attack) ACE2 receptors which are literally ubiquitous. ACE2 receptors are found in every endothelial cell, lining your arteries and veins, lining every single organ, including your brain, after which these transfected cells become targets for the immune response as the body sees them as non-self, invaders to be killed. This is the genesis of myocarditis and dozens of other potentially fatal conditions linked to these shots. Additionally, the covid shots downregulate interferon response, our body’s first line of defense against viruses, cancer, etc. Hence the terrifying increase in cancer diagnoses and the turbo cancers that have been reported.

The next effect of the covid shots is to cause the body’s immune system to drastically upregulate IgG4 antibodies (more than 20,000 fold). IgG4 antibodies are the ones that teach our immune system to ignore certain potential allergens and generally make up a fraction of 1% of circulating antibodies. This overproduction of IgG4 antibodies represents a near neutering of the human immune system.

I write, not as a doctor, but as a health and wellness practitioner who has researched thousands of clinical papers and analyzed the data. There is no reasonable explanation for the increase in deaths and disabilities, nor the massive conspiracy to defraud the American people. If these people are not prosecuted, jailed, or executed (The Nuremberg Code stipulates these actions as capital offenses) then we will be at their mercy going forward. This was a crime the effects of which overshadows every war in which America has been involved since Jefferson wrote “We hold these truths to be self evident.” The self-evident truth today is that SARS-CoV-2 was no accident.

Nearly 85 years ago, we learned how to unleash the power of nuclear fission to destroy entire cities. We subsequently attempted to harness that technology to create electricity. By attempting to utilize this process before it was ready we created a near tragedy at Three Mile Island, an unimaginable tragedy at Chernobyl, and another at Fukushima. While today we have perfected this technology and miniaturized it so that it fits inside our submarines, the general public is so fearful that we have abandoned nuclear power despite it having a safety record that is massively superior to all other methods of generation, and being highly sustainable, in fact, the only sustainable option currently before us.

The reason I’m including the previous paragraph is because it is representative of the many errors we have made and are making by going forward with new discoveries (like mRNA) that are simply decades away from being functional and safe.

I will be sending this message to all representatives in The Senate and The House, whom I feel are morally upright and who will take steps to correct this horrific situation. I do not feel it is hyperbole to suggest that changing all vaccines to mRNA could wipe out all of humanity. Further, there are other, even worse, ideas afoot, which could mean that even those of us with the necessary knowledge will be unable to be safe. These ideas include breeding mosquitoes that can spread vaccines and vaccines that will “shed,” or self-spread, thus making it impossible to not be vaccinated (a capital offense since it bypasses informed consent). Add to this the process called “geo engineering” which is the spraying of massive amounts of aluminum nano particles into the atmosphere. Aluminum is a deadly neuro toxin that is linked to autism and early dementia.

I beseech you, stop this action. These perpetrators must be made an example so that this cannot happen again. We are living as test subjects in Dr. Jeckyll’s insane laboratory.

I can provide you with additional documentation, but I know your time is valuable and the documents attached will take some time to digest.

Covid Statistical Hijinx

The Fauci Dossier


DO NOT Take Two Tylenol


Dementia Is Optional