Trying to Fool Mother Nature Pt 1

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” ~ from the constitution of the World Health Organization.

I hate long exposés that take forever to get to the point. This article was long enough to put an amphetamine junkie to sleep, so I’ve separated it into two parts, with a likely third part to come even later. I’ll open today with two supplements that I believe every American desperately needs and very few are taking. The first is glycine, an amino acid. Currently, the most destructive chemical pollutant on the planet (no, it isn’t CO2), and one that is ubiquitous in America, is glyphosate (RoundUp). Glyphosate can do more damage to your gut microbiome than any prescription antibiotic, and your exposure is 100 times what you might think, if you even think about this dangerous herbicide. You might even blissfully spray it on the weeds in your sidewalk, thinking that it’s no big deal. And for an alternative, mixing white vinegar with salt (~8oz salt to a gallon of vinegar) will kill weeds just as well and has no negative impact on the environment. Glyphosate is essentially an isotope of glycine, and attaches to and disables glycine receptors, poisoning both you and many essential microbes in your gut. A steady intake of glycine (one of the lowest cost supplements) can be protective of these receptors, by getting there first.

The second, or second and third, is an enzyme called nattokinase, or alternately lumbrokinase… or both! These proteolytic enzymes can slowly erode plaque buildup in your arteries, heart and brain, forestalling or preventing atherosclerosis, coronary valve stenosis, and dementia. I highly recommend these (I alternate them) to anyone over the age of forty, and triply so if you’ve “abused” sugar in your life. One of the consequences, for me and many other endurance athletes (and now teenagers) of our obsession with sports drinks, from Gatorade and Cytomax to the far more deadly Monster and RockStar, has been plaquing of our arteries from overconsumption of the various sugars in these drinks, as well as soft drinks. I used to consume cola for a pick-me-up on the run course at longer triathlons, as did virtually all of my competition. And of course, nearly every processed food product has added sweeteners.

If you haven’t already done so, get a Coronary Artery Calcium scan (CAC) to determine your risk factor. I was personally shocked at my results, especially since I absolutely destroyed a treadmill stress test at age 58, where the attending nurse practitioner said I outperformed anyone she had ever seen, including some twenty-year-olds. Despite significant plaquing, my VO2max was in the 99th percentile for someone half my age. The strength of my heart, lungs, and circulatory system had managed to mask the dangers. As a result of decades of long-distance exercise, my vascularization was excellent, with the veins in my arms being so large that the nurses at the blood bank just love it when I go there. But the inside diameter of these vessels was evidently somewhat less than it would have seemed.

Folk medicine, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that healing is natural and comes from within. In these traditions, the goal is wellness. Their medicines are food and herbs from nature. Western medicine believes that healing comes from without, and that each illness is an entity unto itself to be attacked with a specific chemical formulation. The problem with western medicine is that it rarely cures any disease, and only ameliorates symptoms, thus failing to result in wellness, and also allowing the underlying condition to continue virtually unabated.

Western allopathic medicine is based on the foolish concept that we can simply take a pill and that will fix everything. While Big Pharma literally spends trillions of dollars on advertising, lobbyists, and kickbacks to government regulators and authorities, resulting in a veritable avalanche of positive publicity, their actual track record is quite dismal. As I have written before, despite being the most medicated society imaginable, life expectancy in America has been declining, as has average IQ, for over forty years. Fluoride? RoundUp? 72 vaccinations before you get your first driver’s license? Overly processed foods? We have no shortage of suspects, but as a society, we’ve reduced smoking and air pollution dramatically since the 60s, and still we are becoming less healthy, with significant increases in cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

The reason “We’ve got a pill for that…” doesn’t work is because there is no “part,” no gene, no enzyme, no neurotransmitter, no cell in your body, and no receptor site that has a single task or responsibility. When we find the gene or neurotransmitter responsible for a mental illness, or the one that might instigate tumor growth and cancer, that particular “part” of your body or system will have dozens or even hundreds of other responsibilities, and works in concert with multiple additional “parts,” which together provide function, animation, and life. Monkeying with this complex system is a fool’s errand at best, and replete with danger.

You take a medication, allegedly to “fix” something you and your doctor perceive as wrong, then one, three, maybe ten years down the road you develop a new illness, possibly one with the risk of death or disability. Can we connect that to the drug you’ve been taking as a palliative for that prior condition, or one or more of the other drugs that you have been taking for several years? Maybe we can, but more likely we will not have definitive proof, because of the time that has elapsed. One critical element in the Bradford Hill criteria for establishing causality is a temporal connection; the effect must be closely associated on the timeline. While this is useful in looking at pathogens, it puts iatrogenic illnesses, those caused by medical treatment, outside of normal consideration. Unless we can see all the data from the clinical trials, which Big Pharma is loath to release without a legal battle, as we’ve seen with the mRNA data, connecting today’s problem with yesterday’s solution requires someone who thinks completely outside of the western medical box. The problem, in my humble estimation, is that too many people regard doctors as demigods. If their doctor prescribed a drug, then it must be the right thing to do; the drug must be taken until or unless the doctor says to stop.

Consider that once a drug is approved, all testing for adverse effects is discontinued. In the case of the literally hundreds of drugs that have been pulled off the market, it may take a decade or more before a connection is made between the drug and a serious long-term effect.

Emphasizing this point, Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered injectable mRNA, posted an article to his substack in response to numerous activists who blame him for the problems of turbo cancers, immune suppression, organ damage, etc., (1400 potential adverse effects and counting) that have resulted from the covid jabs. It is on point and fascinating, but many of the technical terms may cause your eyes to cross. While I welcome you to read the entire article, When is mRNA Not Really mRNA his CONCLUSION sums it up for the lay person, especially his closing sentence “When will we ever learn”:


Based on this information, it appears to me that the extensive random incorporation of pseudouridine into the synthetic mRNA-like molecules used for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may well account for much or all of the observed immunosuppression, DNA virus reactivation, and remarkable persistence of the synthetic “mRNA” molecules observed in lymph node biopsy tissues by Katharina Röltgen et al.  Many of these adverse effects were reported by Kariko, Weissman et al in their 2008 paper “Incorporation of Pseudouridine Into mRNA Yields Superior Nonimmunogenic Vector With Increased Translational Capacity and Biological Stability” and could have been anticipated by regulatory and toxicology professionals if they had bothered to consider these findings prior to allowing emergency use authorization and widespread (global) deployment of what is truly an immature and previously untested technology.  Therefore, neither the FDA, NIH, CDC, nor BioNTech (which employs Dr. Kariko as a Vice President) nor Moderna can claim true ignorance.  To my eyes, what we have seen is more appropriately classified as “willful ignorance”.

In conclusion, based on these data it is my opinion that the random and uncontrolled insertion of pseudouridine into the manufactured “mRNA”-like molecules administered to so many of us creates a population of polymers which may resemble natural mRNA, but which have a variety of properties which distinguish them in a variety of aspects which are clinically relevant.  These characteristics and activities may account for many of the unusual effects, unusual stability, and striking adverse events associated with this new class of vaccines. These molecules are not natural mRNA, and they do not behave like natural mRNA. 

The question that most troubles and perplexes me at this point is why the biological consequences of these modifications and associated clinical adverse effects were not thoroughly investigated before widespread administration of random pseudouridine-incorporating “mRNA”-like molecules to a global population.  Biology, and particularly molecular biology, is highly complex and matrix-interrelated.  Change one thing over here, and it is really hard to predict what might happen over there. That is why one must do rigorously controlled non-clinical and clinical research. Once again, it appears to me that the hubris of “elite” high status scientists, physicians and governmental “public health” bureaucrats has overcome common sense, well established regulatory norms have been disregarded, and patients have unnecessarily suffered as a consequence.  

When will we ever learn. [some emphasis added]

While it is considered a matter of faith that western medicine is responsible for increases in lifespan, the evidence in support of that belief is simply nonexistent. We invented vaccines, which supposedly vanquished dangerous diseases, but all evidence points to measles, whooping cough, and even polio, as waning before the vaccines began, which has been the case for millennia, with every virus known to man; they always mutate to become more transmissible but less dangerous, while our species develops herd immunity. And while the majority view (and majority views are worthless in the eyes of science) is that vaccines have helped us, there is no evidence to substantiate that view, because there has never been an appropriate, placebo controlled, randomized trial to demonstrate either the safety or the efficacy of a single vaccine. I suspect that may surprise many, but it is a true statement that has been recently substantiated in the courts. The Informed Consent Action Network has done yeoman’s work in bringing this to light, forcing the FDA’s leading “experts” to admit that has never been a single trial to prove their assertion that vaccines don’t cause autism, despite the mountains of anecdotal evidence that should have prompted those trials.

The vaccine industry says that vaccines don’t cause autism, and yet the correlation is hard to dismiss. Autism was unknown 100 years ago, and affected less than 1 in 10,000 in 1950, and currently affects 1 in 38. What changed, other than the massive introduction of a vaccine for every imaginable illness, and the introduction of thousands of drugs whose complete range of effects were never fully explored? Consider that, if vaccines aren’t the cause, where are all the millions of autistic seniors? Why is this such a recent phenomenon? And what will our society look like when all those autistic children grow up and lose their parents? Similarly, aluminum (which is used as an adjuvant in most vaccines) has been clearly shown to be causal in neurological damage and numerous conditions, most notably Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease.

Perhaps there are environmental factors (the proliferation of chemicals) that might be blamed, but the temporal association, per Bradford Hill, is extremely powerful. The number of children who went from “normal” to autistic, or died from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome*) within 72 of vaccination virtually demands further study, yet the FDA and its Vaccines and Related Biologicals Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) flatly refuse to entertain even the idea that further investigation is warranted. This is a classic example of the adage that it is difficult indeed to convince someone of a fact when their very existence and career depend on them not believing it. If vaccines were suddenly banned, or if studies were conducted and headlines then read “Vaccines kill; Vaccines Destroy Lives; Vaccines Are the Primary Cause of Autism,” an entire industry and thousands of jobs would be in jeopardy, and for all those in charge of making and mandating vaccines as a requirement for your child to attend school, and with those so in charge shown to have profited millions by their actions, the lawsuits would crash the US court system. But the fact is undeniable that such studies desperately need to be performed, despite the potential consequences.

* SIDS is considered a mystery illness with no known cause, perhaps because no one has tested the vaccine hypothesis.

Since the risks associated with most of the diseases against which children are vaccinated would be relatively harmless to a healthy child — one without nutritional deficiencies and who gets sufficient exercise and sun exposure — we have to ask if the risk of these adverse effects is truly worth the benefits which are as yet not clinically proven. As one side note, measles can be easily conquered with high doses of vitamin A, making vaccination a needles countermeasure. And the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is one of the chief suspects in the autism equation.

A movie was made, 1986: The Act. A dramatic forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act — which created the only product in world history that is exempt from legal liability — and its consequences. It is a movie, or at least a story that every person should be interested in exploring. And yet you probably never heard of it, and you’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase “vaccine denier,” used to paint people like RFK jr., and others as unserious individuals who should be dismissed out of hand. But that’s not how America was set up to operate. In this country, every viewpoint should be aired, and citizens of this allegedly free country should have the right to gather the facts and decide for themselves.

You have the right, guaranteed by our Constitution, to vaccinate yourself and your children, but you have no right to demand that anyone else follow suit. You simply don’t, and neither does your school board or your state and local health authorities. While virtually all public schools do require vaccinations, doing so violates both US and international laws regarding Informed Consent. But today there are topics, like vaccination, which we aren’t allowed to discuss. And the vehemence with which this censorship has been conducted has simply exploded since 2020. Censorship is anathema to freedom, and violates our Constitution and founding principles, and yet our own government has actively participated in an egregious pattern of censoring and shutting down the kind of legitimate debate that is essential to our freedom, and to your health and the health of your children.

People who want the second amendment revoked because they say that gun manufacturers are also exempt from liability are misinformed. Gun manufacturers can be held liable if their products are defective. They just can’t be sued because of what someone does with their products, just as auto manufacturers and liquor distilleries can’t be sued for the bad decisions made by those who drink and drive. The vaccine industry is the only entity on earth that is exempt from liability.

For more on the vaccine topic, see my previous article, The Truth About Vaccines.

I believe that America is doomed. Politicians of both parties have, at one time or another, said “I didn’t leave my party; my party left me.” Well I’m not leaving the land of the free and home of the brave, but it has left me. I beg everyone, and especially the younger generations to heed the words of Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” I believe that the most essential part of that fight is the ability for every single citizen to have their voice heard, not as part of a group, but as an individual. The US Constitution did not intend to grant superior rights to any groups.

A major issue, here in the US, is the depleted condition of our soil, with the concomitant use of chemical fertilizers, as well as the overuse of pesticides and herbicides. Topping that is the use of CAFO’s (concentrated animal feeding operations) which feed inappropriate diets to both dairy animals and those to be slaughtered for meat. Even beyond that is that organ meats seem to have fallen into disfavor, as you simply cannot find them at your local grocer. 200 years ago, we ate “nose to tail,” consuming the whole cow (or buffalo, or deer). Consequently, the nutritional value of the American diet has plummeted, while the ridiculous recommendations of the food pyramid encourage a diet that is suboptimal for creating wellness.

In future editions, I will be highlighting some specific vitamins and nutraceuticals, as well as discussing why they may be needed to address certain conditions, most of which are relatively new, and most of which I consider to be lifestyle conditions or diseases, especially since many of them were unknown throughout history. The conditions cited just above are the reason that we now need dietary supplements and nutraceuticals, and it is our right as Americans to have access to them. Yet many of those in control would like to make such things the purview of the medical profession. If they have their way, you will need a prescription in order to take a vitamin, and the manufacturing of same will be controlled by people like Pfizer and Bayer. Natural and organic could easily become vestiges of the past.


Trying to Fool Mother Nature Pt 2


Advances in Gerontology, Pt 1