The Criminal Folly of mRNA

All conjecture is gone; conclusive proof has been unearthed. While I take no pleasure in being proven to have been correct in regards to the danger and outright stupidity of the jabs, the proof is finally here for the world to see, demonstrated in an Australian court of law. SARS-CoV-2 and the response to it has been the greatest and most egregious crime against humanity in world history. There are multiple theories, but whether the virus was created with the intention of staying one step ahead of the potential actions of terrorist states, for the purpose of simply reducing world population (by Malthusians who fear the effects of too many humans), or for the purpose of allowing a transfer of power to an ill-intentioned cabal (the WEF, Club of Rome, Illuminati, etc.) is not relevant. Why does not matter at this point; what matters now is survival, and appropriate legal action against the perpetrators and their coconspirators.

In case you’re tired of hearing about this subject, let me tell you why it is critical to shine light on it: The vaccine industry is making plans to convert every single existing vaccine to the mRNA platform. Considering that there were more reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System during the first month of the covid jabs than in the entire thirty years of reporting, the idea of converting all other vaccines to this platform is a national suicide. And the biggest problem is that the evidence is so overwhelming that even Stevie Wonder could see it, and yet it goes on.

In hearings being held in Australia, where the pharmaceutical companies responsible for the mRNA jabs are being sued, it has finally been shown that not only are these so-called “vaccines” gene therapy with unexplored potential dangers, everyone involved knew this going in. If you’re interested, here’s a Substack article with evidence of actionable fraud and demonstrating that anyone given these shots was assaulted, by the legal definition of the word. Therefore, every single person involved, in any way, belongs in prison for the balance of their miserable lives. This was not an accident.

Genetically Modified Organons

Messenger RNA vaccines are a practical impossibility. They simply cannot work to prevent any illness, nor reduce the severity of any illness. The science we are being sold is fatally flawed, and I mean that literally. Vaccines introduce a weakened strain of a pathogen so that your body can conquer it, and then know how to defeat it in the future, when the full-fledged pathogen comes along. mRNA injections are incapable of even theoretically teaching your body to recognize or attack any pathogen, but only one specific protein that may or may not be — with emphasis on the may not be — exclusive to the target disease. And as we’ve seen with the covid jabs, the virus mutates often enough to make the jabs worthless at best. But what of all the adverse effects, 1291 identified in the initial trial, with more being found daily?

We have seen an increase in all-cause mortality, over the past three years of about a half million per year, 1.5 million excess deaths since the rollout of the mRNA injections, just in the United States. And for the record, there was no excess mortality during 2020, when every death was being blamed on covid. If you haven’t read my reporting on that, it is here. That’s a jump of nearly 18% from the prior baseline (~2.8 million deaths annually from 2010 through 2020) and exceeds the annual excess mortality from any of our wars. Even the Civil War, our deadliest, only added 190,000 excess deaths annually during its four years. To make that clear, no one lives forever, but deaths from all causes leaped by 500,000 for each of the last three years.

A paper from Germany, Global excess mortality due to COVID-19, estimates the death toll from the jabs at 14.8 million, which is 4.8 more than Hitler, and in less than half the time. The annual excess mortality is four standard deviations from the norm, something never seen before from any wars, famines, or storms.

A full understanding of all the mechanisms at play is at once subjunctive and extremely complex, so much so that only a tiny fraction of the world’s population can fully grasp it, which is how they were able to do it. I will make a brief attempt to (perhaps over-) simplify it and I’ll include a link to some complex explanations of a more scholarly nature for those who would like to dig deeper. In the simplest of terms, messenger RNA injection is, in 2023, a concept so immature, so dangerous and so thoroughly unexplored, that its implementation needs to be seen as a criminal act, and one dwarfing the genocides of the past. This technology was first created in 1989, and in the intervening years has been tested and manipulated with the idea that it was a potential game changer, but without a single successful trial. That’s an important detail: every single test of this technology has resulted in piles of dead test animals, Every. Single. One.

If you took the jab, you are now an unwitting subject in the most dastardly medical experiment in world history. What Joseph Mengele did in the prison camps of Nazi Germany pales by comparison.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a bioweapon. That point is not in dispute. Yes, Dr. Fauci denies it, but he is a pathological liar, and that point is also beyond dispute as he continues to push for masks and still contends that the mRNA jabs worked and is still promoting them, even for children and expectant mothers, despite mountains of evidence of increased miscarriages and still births, along with the fact that for children of elementary school age, their risk of dying from covid is immeasurably low. In fact, the CDC cannot provide an instance of a single confirmed covid-19 death in a child younger than 16.

 And the various scientists who signed on to his perfidy did so because their livelihoods depended upon doing so, and apparently, they either believed there was no great harm, or they have no conscience. The scientific community is fully aware that specific traits of this virus are so novel as to be impossible to blame on natural selection. However, the virus itself is not the problem; the problem was the response chosen, by virtually the entire world.

Before going on, I want to introduce a dramatic bit of data. The Unites States, possessing what is alleged to be the greatest medical system in the world, has suffered covid casualties amounting to 3,525 per one million population (as of late October 2023) a total of nearly 1.2 million deaths. And from what the statistics on all-cause mortality tell us, that doesn’t include all the victims. At the same time, Western Sahara, a backward nation where no westerner would ever choose to go for medical treatment has lost only 2 per million. The US has suffered 1,762 times the losses of a third-world country. You can look up the covid statistics on and sort by deaths per million population and see that the so-called advanced nations dominate the death tolls, where some third world nations have suffered insignificant losses. Several third-world countries suffered zero deaths until after the introduction of the jabs. Those are your first two clues. And those alone should be sufficient to cause the world medical community to call a halt to the process and reevaluate our response. But they haven’t, and the only word that can describe that is evil, pure, unadulterated evil.

In 1918, the world was hit by the worst pandemic in history, up to that time. While the bulk of the deaths blamed on the Spanish Flu were actually caused by bacterial pneumonia, a fact swept under history’s carpeting, it is estimated that the worldwide death toll from the virus itself was perhaps 250,000. The virus weakened a vulnerable population (elderly and immune compromised) leading to the spread of pneumonia, largely in medical settings meant to treat the flu. Poor sanitation and isolation practices were responsible for the bulk of the deaths. It is widely believed, in the scientific community, that most would have recovered from the flu, but some were weakened to the point of susceptibility to the pneumonia. So that if the Spanish flu had hit, for the first time, in 2019, its effects would have been insignificant and virtually no one would remember it today. In three years’ time, the Spanish Flu was history, as the result of herd immunity. That particular strain is likely still in circulation, just not a significant threat 100 years later.

As of this writing, we will soon be entering year number four of covid, something that should not be happening. Every virus that has attacked humanity in the past has done its thing and suffered defeat, due to herd immunity, in less than three years. Had the world simply accepted covid as just another flu virus and treated it in the manner of all prior cold and flu outbreaks, this tragic episode would be over, and the number of deaths worldwide would have likely been fewer than a million. Today, the world death toll from the virus is approaching seven million, and the death toll from the mRNA injections may be three times that, a fact hidden from the general public, but a fact, nonetheless, as documented by numerous sources.

It is also accepted, by 100% of independent researchers (those not on government or Big Pharma payroll) that the early treatment options espoused by FLCCC, CHD, and numerous other medical experts, would have conquered the SARS-CoV-2 virus in short order. The combination of literally banning the use of repurposed drugs, along with the imposition of new and dangerous drugs like Remdesivir, and the instructions to the public to stay home until symptoms became severe, are responsible for perhaps 99% of the deaths.

As a footnote to this horrific episode, let me state authoritatively that none of this could have been possible without the massive worldwide censorship campaign that has been recently exposed, but the extent of which few people recognize, even today. Staggeringly, many in the general public think that the censorship of this so-called, mis, dis, and “mal” information (“malinformation” being a new term of art invented just for this pandemic) was a good idea, to protect us from ill-intentioned individuals. The problem being that those allegedly ill-intentioned individuals are the best and the brightest, while the censors have the collective understanding of chimpanzees, when it comes to microbiology.

The introduction of a novel concept in epidemiology, messenger RNA injection, was a worse idea than handing nuclear weapons to terrorist organizations. While it seems inevitable that terrorists, especially with the aid of Iran, the world’s leading exporter of terrorism, will eventually use a nuclear weapon, that particular game changer is still several years or decades in the future and is unlikely to kill as many as have died from all the permutations of SARS-CoV-2. The use of mRNA “vaccines” has quietly killed more people, at least 40 times more people, than died in the nuclear blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And unbeknownst to most of you, mRNA treatments have been used in commercial meat supplies, initially pork, but are now being expanded into more farm animals and even fish.

In the simplest of terms here are the problems with mRNA. Scholarly papers giving much greater detail are referenced:

1- It is a dramatic miscalculation to presume that any chromosome, any enzyme, any neurotransmitter, or any hormone has a single function within the human body. Each of these may have over a thousand functions depending upon them. The simple act of altering the genetic function of any of them will have significant unintended consequences, some of which may remain unknown for decades. We have seen this played out with literally hundreds of “wonder drugs” that have had to be recalled and banned, from Thalidomide, to ACE2 inhibitors (Vioxx), to PPIs and many more, including SSRIs (Prozac) that have yet to be recalled despite mountains of evidence of psychotic adverse effects and the recent discovery that serotonin actually has no effect on mood. So the action of SSRIs is not what its inventors claim, and its potential danger is also unknown.

2- At no time in history has a new drug been invented and allowed to be distributed in less than ten years, and twenty is the more prudent timeline in order to reveal those unintended consequences.

3- By attempting to vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic, something we have never attempted, nor been able to attempt (see #2 above), we are forcing the virus to mutate or evolve into more dangerous strains. This is doubly true since the covid jabs do not even attempt to create immunity to the virus, but only to a single attribute of the virus, the spike protein, which can evolve even more rapidly than the virus itself.

4- One of the actions of the mRNA jabs has been to dramatically, frighteningly, increase the percentage of IgG4 antibodies, which serve to tone down immune responses, preventing overactive immune response to fairly benign and essentially non-toxic irritants, like pollen. The effects of overproduction of IgG4 are well documented. Knowing this, Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination, a paper published in Science Immunology in December 2022, showed that IgG4 antibodies rose on average from the norm of 0.04% to 19.27% after the third injection. This is an increase of nearly 50,000% of an antibody whose purpose is to prevent immune system activation!

This causes a downregulation of a defensive response to serious pathogens, including cancer, at the top of a long list of diseases to which the immune system will be dampened or perhaps will not respond at all. There is also a significant (hopefully transient) downregulation of Interferon response in those who have taken the jabs, meaning that those individuals have a dramatically — and potentially fatal — slowing of the immune response to virtually any invaders. I say “hopefully” transient, because the human immune system should return to a normal state, given time to recover from the mRNA insult. But with a shift in antibodies this dramatic, that return to normalcy is not guaranteed, and even if it does correct, there will be a significant period of diminished protection. In addition, the potential for the mRNA to cause permanent changes to DNA raises the specter that these effects could be permanent and even heritable.

5- Further to the previous point, it was well known that mRNA treatment (which I will never call vaccination) has the ability to cause several autoimmune conditions, and the IgG4 issue is perhaps just the tip of that iceberg.

6- Contrary to the information promoted by Dr. Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna and others:

a)     The injected mRNA does not stay in the locality of the injection, an idea so ludicrous that it should never have been considered by any serious person.

b)    The mRNA does not degrade and disappear in a short time period, research showing that it can still be found a year or more after injection in some and for several months in virtually all recipients.

c)     Pursuant to the two previous points, the mRNA creates circulating spike proteins that can attach to ACE2 receptors throughout the body, leading to an immune response attacking those transfected cells, which are ubiquitous, causing damage to major organs including the heart, brain, lungs, reproductive organs, and the endothelial lining of your circulatory system.

d)    It was either hopeful speculation or an outright fabrication that the mRNA could not enter cell nuclei and could not reverse transcribe into human DNA. We have seen proof that this can and does happen, perhaps in all cases.

7- The vaccine industry, the most profitable arm of Big Pharma, has managed to smear the reputations and destroy the careers of any doctor who violates their code of silence as shown here: Nudge Units and Vaxophiles. Andrew Wakefield, the pioneer in attempting to expose this stands as a prime example. While everything Dr. Wakefield said (and others after him) was perfectly true, Google his name and see how he has been defamed, and we now have the slur “anti-vaxxer” which has been used on all of us who stood up against the jabs. But now we have the proof.

The hope for humanity is that those of us who just said no to the jabs will have properly attained immunity by exposure to the virus, which I have pointed out in the past is nonlethal and somewhat inconsequential to those with a decent immune system. There is also hope that those who have decided against additional jabs (boosters) will recover most if not all of their immune capabilities. One can hope that this nightmare will soon be behind us, and yet our governments and the WHO are continuing to push this horror on the world by repeating the most deadly lie since Eve ate the apple, “safe and effective.” As Mattias Desmet chronicled in The Psychology of Totalitarianism, the general public is being controlled, at this point in time, by Mass Formation Psychosis, the acceptance of patently untrue information, simply by the application of a concerted propaganda campaign. I repeat that 100% of unadulterated scientific research, that which is not polluted by government or Big Pharma influence, agrees with every word you have just read. And you may not have had access to it, due to illegal and unconstitutional censorship from the highest levels of government.

The Following article from Trial Site News can be read for free. Trial Site (to which I subscribe) will allow you to read up to ten of their articles without subscribing, and I believe that might even be ten articles each month. This article is a synopsis of the work of one of the most capable researchers, Gert Vanden Bosch, who has been sounding the alarm since the earliest days of the mRNA jabs. Gert’s own work can be read from links within this article, but the information discussed requires significant understanding of microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and genetics. Many of you may be able to wade through it and understand its essence, although it just might give you a migraine!

How Has the COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Campaign Made the Natural Selection and Rapid Propagation of a HIGHLY Virulent Variant Highly Likely?

A recent paper uploaded to the Authorea preprint server, Navigating Uncharted Waters: Could COVID-19 and/or Certain COVID-19 Vaccines Promote Malignancy? involves the probability that COVID-19 mRNA jabs trigger changes leading to oncogenesis. Researchers at Oregon Health and Science University, raises the alarm of biological plausibility of a mRNA – cancer connection, i.e., the induction of lymphopenia and inflammation; downregulation of ACE2 expression; activation of oncogenic cascades; sequestration of tumor suppressor proteins; dysregulation of the G4-RNA-protein binding system and type 1 IFN responses; unsilencing of LINE-1 retrotransposons.

The evidence in the trial was compelling and peer review went well. Then, as we’ve seen with numerous papers that stray from the official narrative, it was shelved and not published. Those with the power to stop its publication did not want you to know that there is significant evidence that the mRNA jabs may do as much damage in three months as smoking three packs of unfiltered cigarettes for fifty years.

A new report, still in preprint, Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial demonstrates either an inconceivable level of incompetence, or (and far more likely) a concerted effort on the part of Pfizer, with the assistance of NIH and NIAID confederates, to push a dangerous and shockingly profitable product onto an unsuspecting world. While this study was peer reviewed and no faults were found, it was refused publication on “editorial grounds,” which means political grounds! Pertinent excerpts:

In the Pfizer trials, after Week 20, as subjects in the placebo were unblinded and vaccinated, deaths among this still unvaccinated cohort of this group slowed, eventually plateauing. Yet the mortality incidents in the BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects ensued at the same rate… The authors’ found troubling inconsistencies between the subject data listed in the 6-Month Interim Report and publications authored by Pfizer/BioNTech trial site investigators… Over a 3.7-fold increase in number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects compared to placebo controls. This significant adverse event signal was not reported by Pfizer/BioNTech. Potential sources of these data inconsistencies are identified.


Trying to Fool Mother Nature, Pt 3


Trying to Fool Mother Nature Pt 2