Just Say NO to Medical Tyranny

Unless we can stop them, the California legislature is about to tie our doctors’ hands, taking medical decisions away from practicing physicians and giving it to politicians and unelected bureaucrats. There are five bills pending that would insert politics into the practice of medicine in California, and you need to contact your governor and representatives and tell them to keep their hands off. The president, your governor and your other elected representatives are not doctors, with a handful of exceptions. By and large, they are attorneys and successful entrepreneurs. Many are just rich kids who feel entitled. Those among them who were doctors are obviously not practicing medicine, so it would not seem wise to seek their counsel in an emergency.

If you don’t live in California, that doesn’t mean your state won’t follow suit if California passes these bills.

Here is a link to a campaign to stop these five bills. I will post it again at the end of this.

Since the founding of America, doctors have had the authority and the ability to treat patients based on said doctors’ knowledge and experience. If your doctors thought you needed a drug, they could prescribe it. If they thought your appendix needed to come out, they could operate. If you contracted a strange illness, and there was no known treatment, your doctor was empowered to use best judgment and take action to heal you.

All of that changed in 2020, and without any of you, nor your doctors, having a say in the matter. And here’s why you need to take a stand.

Over half a million Americans died from the covid pandemic, and nearly all of those deaths could have been prevented if doctors had simply been allowed to do their jobs in the way they had done those jobs since Columbus first set foot in the new world.

In 2005, the AMA listed the “standard of care” procedure for treating SARS to include an antiparasitic drug called Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). It is likely that you did not know that. That standard of care was never changed. So, naturally, when SARS 2.0 arrived in 2020, numerous frontline doctors prescribed HCQ, and those who did so reported rapid recovery and virtually no hospitalizations. But then politicians stepped in.

For reasons that simply cannot be rationally explained, and should be thoroughly investigated, with the responsible parties prosecuted for premeditated murder, the CDC, NIAID, AMA and FDA stepped in between you and your doctor and said a vehement “NO” to the prescribing of HCQ for Covid-19. And they did so without explanation. Both doctors and pharmacists were threatened with disbarment if they dared defy an order with no legal standing. No law was passed; it was simply done by mandate. This was a move totally and completely without precedent and lacking in constitutional authority. At no time in our nation’s history have politicians asserted dominance over the medical profession, an act of such brazen hubris and overreach as to be incomprehensible. There were exactly zero contraindications for HCQ, and the AMA did not offer any alternative treatment modality. None. And HCQ worked!

To be clear, HCQ may be the safest prescription drug ever produced and perhaps the drug taken by more people than any other. It is primarily used to protect against malaria, and literally trillions of doses have been taken with no reported adverse reactions. And to repeat, when the offensive against HCQ was launched, there was no other treatment option offered. The revised “standard of care,” as prescribed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, a man with a medical degree but no experience treating patients, was to do nothing. NOTHING. Just sit at home and wait until you couldn’t breathe, then go to a hospital, where your chances of dying were extremely high. Nearly 30% of those intubated died. 30%. This “ban” imposed on HCQ was expanded to include another anti-parasitic, Ivermectin (IV), which had also shown significant efficacy in treating covid. So, the only effective treatments were simply withheld from you by politicians. It gets worse…

After a half million US deaths attributed to covid, the AMA quietly reversed course, admitting that both HCQ and Ivermectin showed efficacy in the treatment of this disease and the restrictions against them were lifted. Without publicly admitting that Dr. Fauci and all those following his direction were horribly, egregiously and fatally wrong, and with zero fanfare, the restrictions were lifted. But since there was no fanfare, a great many doctors are still under the impression that they should not or cannot prescribe these life-saving drugs. And so more people will die.

Meanwhile, NO ONE died who received HCQ or IV within the first five days of reporting covid symptoms. In no uncertain terms, this means that a half million people died needlessly, due to medical malpractice at the highest levels of government. A half million people died because of Anthony Fauci’s ego.

But now the California legislature, in a decision that belongs in a science-fiction movie, thinks that the model of America’s response to covid-19 was so magnificent that they want to pass laws putting even greater restrictions on what your doctors can and cannot do — and even what they are permitted to say — when your life is on the line. These brazen bureaucrats, with virtually no medical knowledge whatsoever, want to pass laws controlling what your doctors can do and say. That’s right; if these bills pass, doctors will not only be restricted in what they can do, but in what they can say.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a practicing cardiologist who has authored, co-authored or participated in over a thousand clinical trials, including trials associated with the covid pandemic, has been listed by the American media as peddling misinformation. Let’s think about this. An accredited doctor and scientist, one of the most knowledgeable anywhere, is accused of misinformation by the people who promoted the invasion of Iraq, who covered for the Clinton administration in the Korean money scandal, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and the Juanita Brodderick scandal, and who helped spread the Russian collusion narrative now want to talk about misinformation? These are the people who tell you that it’s OK for vandals to smash and grab in downtown San Francisco, the people who told you that 65 dead and $2 billion in damages by BLM was “peaceful protesting,” and January 6, was an insurrection. These are the people who want to control your doctor.

People who are not doctors are attempting to practice medicine or restrict the ability of competent doctors to simply do their jobs. This is what happens when unqualified individuals are given a blank check to run our lives. Instead of tackling the real problems, like California not building any additional water infrastructure in over sixty years while the population was doubling, or the wildfires that have been occurring as a result of restrictions on logging — restriction posed by your legislature — they want to spend the legislative session putting handcuffs on doctors. The people who brought you MTBE now want to gag your doctors for fear they might tell you what your government and the media don’t want you to hear.

Doctors!! The people you should be listening to in all things related to your health are about to be sent to the principal’s office for telling you that Anthony Fauci is an idiot, something essentially self-evident after the double-masked and quadruple jabbed doctor contracted the illness he said these measures would prevent. Meanwhile, the President and First Lady have likewise contracted covid, despite masks and jabs.

Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician who, like Dr. McCullough, has participated in a significant body of research, has had her license to practice medicine revoked for prescribing Ivermectin, in defiance of Dr. Fauci’s and the AMA’s mandate. And for the record, the patient for whom she prescribed it recovered from covid and is doing fine. A doctor can make an “honest mistake,” resulting in the death or disability of a patient and receive no punishment, but Dr. Nass made an honest non-mistake for which her career has been stolen. Dr. Nass followed her conscience. She did what doctors have always done.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate, a group of activists unencumbered by any medical knowledge, has published a list of medical doctors that they believe should be disbarred, deplatformed and even jailed for stating their informed medical opinions. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have deplatformed anyone attempting to share the knowledge offered by these medical doctors. In America!! Those doctors, what CCDH calls “The Disinformation Dozen,” were the ones who had it right, as the AMA has now tacitly and quietly admitted, but without apologizing nor accepting the blame they deserve for those half million deaths. CCDH is, as of this writing, equally unapologetic. Their lengthy article denigrating twelve good doctors is still available on the Internet. Crosby Stills and Nash got their shorts in a knot over four students killed during a protest at Kent State but want to force Spotify to deplatform Joe Rogan for allowing Drs. Malone and McCullough, two of the most brilliant men on the planet, to have a voice through his podcast.

You need to tell your elected representatives to get back into their own lane and get their hands off your medical care. A few nasty letters to the complicit media outlets wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Let them know that their credibility is at an all-time low and they need to get their minds right or lose votes and viewers.

Once again, here is a link to a campaign to stop these five bills.

Some might say that had Donald Trump not promoted HCQ, this knee-jerk reaction by medical bureaucrats would not have occurred, but that’s a discussion for another day.

Moving on to another horrific decision, the US government passed an extremely ill-advised emergency measure. They decided (and remember this is not a body of doctors and scientists) that it was a good idea to allow, for the first time in our history, a new drug to be approved for use, not after the usual 15 years of trials to prove efficacy and safety, but after a mere eight months. Many people believe, due to deliberate obfuscation, that the mRNA injections are just another vaccine, like the 70+ currently mandated for children, and that they are therefore perfectly safe. Both of those thoughts are wrong.

The mRNA technology used against covid was pioneered in 1989 by Dr. Robert Malone. It is not a vaccine, in that it simply does not fit the definition of a vaccine. It fits the definition of gene therapy, a new and unique approach that has never been validated by clinical trials. In fact, every trial run on mRNA therapy since 1989 has ended badly, with a significant number of deaths and other significant adverse effects in the animals on whom it was tested. I think it is important to point out that not only have the covid jabs not been properly tested, no mRNA medication has ever been successfully tested.

The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) logged approximately 3500 deaths potentially related to every vaccine in use since 1990, when the reporting system first began. In the months since the covid jabs were introduced, there have been over 40,000 deaths and over 350,000 cases of permanent disability reported in conjunction with these experimental, emergency-use-only, drugs. And due to the well-known underreporting inherent in VAERS, we know that both of these numbers are significantly less than reality. Worldwide it is estimated that over half a million people have died from these experimental jabs, and this may just be the tip of the iceberg. We do not know what the long-term effects of these jabs will be, but we do have 30 years of unsuccessful animal trials that serve as a dire warning.

In the animal trials it was discovered that the mRNA drugs were able to alter DNA in subsequent generations, and the effects were disastrous. While a significant number of adverse events, including death, were observed in the trial animals, significant autoimmune problems were seen in ensuing generations, with some defects showing up in the great-great grandchildren, four generations downstream. If this phenomenon follows in humans, it could be a hundred years before the full impact of this campaign to jab every human on earth is known. And once your DNA has been artificially altered, there is no way to put that genie back into the bottle

This is what happens when politicians play doctor. Tell your representatives that we are not having this. Here’s my letter to our governor:

Dear Governor Newsom,

You are a politician; you are not a doctor.

I am an influencer. I write a health blog and publish on matters concerning health and longevity. This letter is a part of my most recent blog post wherein I encourage my readers to take similar action. I can assure you, my knowledge of health, physiology, microbiology and organic chemistry is vastly superior to yours.

The California legislature is currently reviewing five bills that would insert politicians and unelected bureaucrats between me and my doctor, and I will not stand for it. If you sign even one of these bills, I will make it my job to campaign against you. I will vote for Moe Howard, Dave Chappelle, Vladimir Putin, or even Donald Trump, should any of them run against you, and your party will never see another dime from me. Am I making myself clear? You have done many bad things since taking office, but none come close to the damage these five bills will cause.

SB 866, 1419, 1479, along with AB 1797 and 2098 insert you and your ilk where they do not belong. Get back in your lane before you destroy the health of the entire state. The hubris of politicians to even contemplate such laws is beyond contempt. You made us wear masks that we can clearly see did nothing, while you went about unmasked. You closed our businesses and wrecked our economy, which likewise did nothing beneficial, nothing at all. You are a politician; you have no medical knowledge. You are a medical moron.

My doctors are educated individuals, brilliant in fact. I chose them carefully, and trust their judgment implicitly, as regards my healthcare. In that regard, I do not trust you any further than I can throw you. Specifically, AB 2098 makes you the arbiter of what my doctors are allowed to say. I cannot find adequate words to describe my disgust at such brazen hubris.

The other bills insert you between parents and their children’s healthcare and violate my right to the privacy of my medical records. Again, who do you think you are to even contemplate such a violation of my rights and the natural order?

You were elected to manage the state, and you don’t seem to be doing a particularly good job of that. You were not elected to control the practice of medicine, and you simply cannot assert a single cogent reason why you should be allowed to do so. If these bills are signed into law, you can look forward to protracted litigation and hopefully they will be reversed.



Another Fine Mess


Iron Deficiency Post Covid